
About Our Fundraising

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Support with Resources and Supplies

With your gift of $1,000 or more you will help with the shipment of donated clothing and goods to our orphanages in Ghana and Mexico. As a thank you for your generosity, you will be gifted a certificate for a stay at a luxury hotel in one of these seven destinations: Las Vegas, Orlando, Hawaii, Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, Lake Tahoe, or Cape Cod. 


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We are looking for volunteers to assist us with our food distribution department. Please contact us for more information, sincerely Kettey’s Exchange.

Ukraine Update March 5, 2022

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Hello, we just wanted to give you an update after today. 

➡ We reached the Ukrainian side of the border. We packed our friend’s combi car with goods and gifts for people and drove. We saw a favour of the Lord upon as, because as Siya is a south-african citizen, he needs visa to be in Ukraine. The guards stopped him and questioned us, but after all they agreed for us to serve at the ukrainian side without official entry 🙏

➡ The needs are overwhelming. We brought with us 4x10L thermos with hot tea and hundreds of bread rolls, juice mousses and protein bars for children and everything was gone in less than half an hour. Happily we had a chance to refill thermoses with hot tea with a gas stove so we were handing those out as the time went by. 

➡ When we reached the place, we understood why the Lord has us on the streets handing out sandwiches, cake and tea to homeless for 3 years. We realised we are trained for such a time like this. While other organisations were standing in their tents waiting for the people to approach them, we decided to take foldable tables and churches and enter the line with the ukrainians. This way, we could reach the children, the shy, the weak, the scared and create a gathering there. As people were waiting we had time to share the gospel with them, pray, laugh and cry, explain what Poland is like, etc. It felt like family gathering in the middle of boarder line. We felt hearts of the people melted. 

➡ The boarder was very busy today. There were thousands of people standing in a long long line and it was very cold. The children are often too tired to walk, so women carry their luggages (usually 2 bags) and children alone. We were helping them carry babies and luggages, but it seemed like a drop in the ocean. The crowd was very big. We were told that the intensity of traffic increases each time there is a bomb attack. This is why we can see waves of masses coming in every few days – depending on the intensity of the war. 

➡ Just to inform you, we are in a border crossing called Korczowa. It is a relatively small one, but also there are not as many volunteers or help organisations as on the main ones. We are not in the same place as Europe Awakening is, as we had people asking. 

➡ As the needs are great and potential to preach the gospel huge, we are planning to call for a team of volunteers and missionaries come and join us, possibly in the midst of march. We are working on coordination and preparing ground for them🙏🙏

➡🙏 We have a dream to also organize street outreaches in Lviv, train station. We know there are masses of people there, very desperate and broken, arriving there from the whole Ukraine (the journey taking days and trains being overcrowded) in hope to be picked up by the buses and vans from the border. It is only 70 kms away from our border crossing and there are convoys sent daily to that place from the border. But it will depend on our resources and people that will come to join. 

➡ We also must focus on long term strategy. We have started receiving news about refugees being kicked out of a shelter place after some nights. Since there are still great numbers coming to Poland, we really feel like we want to start a base where we will be able to provide long-term, safe, family atmosphere, accommodation. We are planning to rent a base in the next few weeks. Latest, next month. 

Thank you so much for standing with up in this challenging time 🙏 We want to see Jesus glorified, people saved and reached by the love of God. It is our goal, our passion, our calling.

Support Kettey’s Exchange for Children & Women’s Resources

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Kettey Has Always Felt the Need of the Poor and Responded

Emelia Kettey is the founder of Kettey’s Exchange for Children and Women Resources. She has always felt the need of the poor and responded. She is a women of pure dedication to the heart and union of solutions for children and mothers in need of help. There is nothing she will not do to bring her orphans and mothers a chance to know the power of love and kindness. Kettey’s Exchange for Children and Women Resources is responsible for saving hundreds of children and mothers. This gift of life is due to your generous donations throughout the years to serve humanity with Emeila Kettey.

Don’t let another child die that could have been helped with proper medical car

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In Honor Of Dinah At Kettey’s Exchange for Children and Women Resources, we see these children as our own. Every need they have and every tear that falls from their face and into our hands we consider to be a deep need to problem solve issues quickly before they become out of hand. This lovely child was found in Ghana with an eye infection that could have been addressed with proper medical attention and supplies. She was only 12 years old and passed away due to not being able to get medical attention on time. We found her during the last stages of her life and we could not believe that an eye infection that could have been treated easily in the U.S. could not be found in Ghana for her. These are stories we do not want to see repeated for any child we find. Every donation in medical supplies or care is considered a blessing for us. We even invite doctors to donate time with us for a few days to help treat these children as part of missionary work to inspire hope and healing. We believe everyone can be part of the solution. If you have anything you wish to donate, contribute or offer, please call our founders office and specify the donation request.

Announcing A Global Partnership

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Emelia Kettey’s support to our formation is essential. It has allowed us the opportunity to announcement our formation in a timely manner as we await for our official 501c3 designation. Kettey is a valued partner in goodwill; she exemplifies servant leadership, stated Ike Howard Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation’s the Chief Foundation Officer and grandson of Viola Ford Fletcher.

Ike Howard, Chief Foundation Officer, Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation
This National Press Release Link summarizes it to a degree. Going deeper, Kettey’s Exchange is one of two partners to this newly forming global Foundation. “We are the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation’s Fiscal Sponsor. This means that my Nonprofit assists Viola’s business to more quickly advance tax-exempt charitable activities by using my legal nonprofit 501c3 for their formation. Of course, this type of alliance is time-bound. Our relationship is one of goodwill; we hope that Kettey’s Nonprofit will continue as a valued Alliance Partner, even after they receive their nonprofit legal designation”, shared Emelia Kettey.

Kettey’s Nonprofit has been working with the Fletcher team and their Advisory Firm, Demosophy, to bring “live” the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation (VFFF) since October 2021. “Emelia Kettey introduced Demosophy to the Viola Ford Fletcher team; without her, this launch would not have been possible in February 2022. VFFF’s announcement is history-making and timely”, expressed Kristin Raffaelle, Demosophy’s founder.

February is Black History Month, a national month of recognition. This year is unlike other years; the USA and the world search for positive breakthroughs. Black History Month 2022, a federal designation, is also an opportunity zone. Collaboratively, Ketteys Exchange and the VFFF set forth to CHANGE BLACK HISTORY via unprecedented relationships that innovate solid “good” work.
Money and people make the world go around. Please donate or collaborate on a grantable program; whereby your explicitly directed philanthropic support could assist in doing revolutionary work. Both Kettey’s Exchange and the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation administer funds with the highest standards, including careful monitoring and management.  

Money and people make the world go around. Please donate or collaborate on a grantable program; whereby your explicitly directed philanthropic support could assist in doing revolutionary work. Both Kettey’s Exchange and the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation administer funds with the highest standards, including careful monitoring and management.

Ketty’s Nonprofit’s focus remains unchanged: We serve the disadvantaged, children, and women. Specifically, providing resources to those battered, trafficked, and neglected who require bridging support. For example, today, Ghana has no women’s shelters, leaving them in despair while sleeping on roadsides suffering ongoing violence and hopelessness. Assisting these women and children in Ghana attain health, wellness, and safe spaces to live, learn, and mature to self-sufficiency is dear to me, as are caring for those in need in the USA and Mexico.

Nobody knows what the future may hold; this partnership is grounded in good. Together, we act to deploy wealth, power, influence, and purposeful work to build meaningful programs that globally aid in people’s self-sufficiency. Your donation support, however big or small, is valued.

Kindest regards.
Emelia Kettey Tagoe
Founder, Kettey’s Exchange for Children and Women’s Resources